You need to forcast into the future ,see beyond what others cannot see,project and always stay ahead of competition in whatsoever you do.This is your sure bet.Explore More
Final draft version 8 -
Manage and view all the improtant details of your scene in the scene navigator,you now have a better control on what fits on your page via the page count management,outline your script ideas in story development software and seamlessly read them into version 8 through the new file formating.Explore More
Rosette stone version 3 (spanish version)-
Rosette teaches you a new language naturally,by getting you think and breath the language,discover a foundation of key vocabulary that you will use to build into a whole new language.Explore More
Mac OS X version 10.5.6 leopard -
Introduces over 300 new and enhanced features to OS X ,including a new desktop and updated finder enabling easy browsing and sharing between multiple macs,easily and automatic backupand restore lost files or a complete mac with time machine.Explore More
Chief Architect ,Architectural home designer 9.0-
Visualise flooring styles,counter tops cabinets and new interior design styles,standard CAD tools ,automatic roof generation,dormers, framing, stairs,foundation.Explore More